Friday, November 28, 2008

Alternative energy and green gifts - Solar, fuel cells, biodiesel and more!

Next year is going to be a big year folks, we'll see more investment and emphasis on alternative energy than ever before, this will be our "space race" and our "moon landing". The children of today will be the ones who will shape the next decade and the next century.

As a parent, a friend, big brother or sister, a mentor or just someone who is giving a gift this holiday season - instead of a plastic toy or nik-nak MAKE Magazine asks that you consider giving something that might just spark the attention of a young mind that will be called to solve the challenges for our energy needs. Read on for solar kits, fuel cells, biodiesel projects and more...

Solarspeeder Kit
Power House Kit
Fuel Cell Car & Experiment Kit
MAKE: Volume 3

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